750+ RSCIT Exam Important Questions – MCQ – Part 2


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750+ RSCIT Exam Important Questions – MCQ – Part 2
Continue your journey with RSCIT Exam Important Questions Part 2, where we cover importent RSCIT exam topics MCQ. This collection of important questions sharpens your skills and expands your knowledge. Ideal for reinforcing what you've learned in Part 1, these MCQs will help you confidently approach more advanced topics.

71. Which of the following is a valid domain extension?

A. .exe
B. .txt
C. .com
D. .doc

72. What is a firewall used for?

A. To protect hardware from damage
B. To filter unauthorized access to and from a computer network
C. To increase internet speed
D. To manage software installations

73. What is the full form of BIOS?

A. Binary Input Output System
B. Basic Input Output Software
C. Basic Input Output System
D. Binary Input Output Software

74. What is the purpose of the 'Insert' key on a keyboard?

A. To delete text
B. To toggle between insert and overwrite mode
C. To copy text
D. To undo an action

75. What is the shortcut key to close a currently active window?

A. Alt + F4
B. Ctrl + C
C. Ctrl + F4
D. Shift + Esc

76. Which of the following is not a peripheral device?

A. Monitor
B. Printer
D. Keyboard

77. What is the use of a compiler in programming?

A. To browse files
B. To translate high-level programming language into machine code
C. To store data
D. To run the operating system

78. Which of the following is an example of a spreadsheet software?

A. MS Word
B. Google Chrome
C. PowerPoint
D. MS Excel

79. In computer networks, what does 'LAN' stand for?

A. Local Area Network
B. Long Access Network
C. Linked Access Network
D. Local Access Network

80. What is the function of 'Ctrl + S' in most software applications?

A. To save a file
B. To search for a file
C. To delete a file
D. To save the current document

81. What is the smallest unit of data in a computer?

A. Byte
B. Bit
C. Kilobyte
D. Megabyte

82. Which of the following keys is used to take a screenshot in Windows?

A. F5
B. Alt + Tab
C. Print Screen (PrtScn)
D. Ctrl + Shift

83. Which of the following is an example of a secondary storage device?

A. Hard Disk

84. What does 'HTTP' stand for in the context of web browsers?

A. Hyperlink Text Protocol
B. Hypertext Transfer Process
C. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
D. Hyperlink Text Process

85. What is the main purpose of a word processor?

A. To browse the web
B. To create and edit text documents
C. To manage databases
D. To play media

86. What is the full form of 'RAM'?

A. Read Access Memory
B. Random Access Memory
C. Ready Access Memory
D. Run Access Memory

87. What is the full form of USB?

A. Uniform Serial Bus
B. United Service Bus
C. Universal Serial Bus
D. Universal Storage Bus

88. In MS Word, which key combination is used to open a new document?

A. Ctrl + N
B. Ctrl + O
C. Ctrl + S
D. Ctrl + P

89. Which type of malware is designed to replicate itself and spread to other computers?

A. Trojan
B. Worm
C. Spyware
D. Adware

90. What is the shortcut key for selecting all text in a document?

A. Ctrl + X
B. Ctrl + V
C. Ctrl + A
D. Ctrl + C

91. What does 'IP' stand for in IP address?

A. Internet Privacy
B. Internal Protocol
C. Internet Protocol
D. Internal Privacy

92. Which of the following is an example of system software?

A. MS Word
B. Photoshop
C. Windows OS
D. PowerPoint

93. In MS Excel, which function is used to add the values of a range of cells?


94. What is the shortcut key to copy a selected item in Windows?

A. Ctrl + P
B. Ctrl + V
C. Ctrl + C
D. Ctrl + X

95. What is the full form of LCD?

A. Low Capacity Display
B. Liquid Crystal Display
C. Light Cathode Display
D. Low Contrast Display

96. What is the use of a modem?

A. To create a document
B. To store data
C. To connect a computer to the internet
D. To play media

97. Which of the following is NOT an example of an input device?

A. Keyboard
B. Mouse
C. Monitor
D. Scanner

98. What is the full form of 'HTTP'?

A. Hypertext Transfer Process
B. Hypertext Transmission Protocol
C. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
D. Hyper Transmission Transfer Protocol

99. In MS PowerPoint, what is a slide transition?

A. A slide layout
B. The effect that occurs when you move from one slide to another
C. Adding text to a slide
D. Changing the background color of a slide

100. What does the 'F5' key do in most web browsers?

A. Opens a new tab
B. Refreshes the page
C. Closes the tab
D. Opens a new window

101. What is the shortcut key for pasting text or items?

A. Ctrl + C
B. Ctrl + X
C. Ctrl + V
D. Ctrl + Z

102. Which of the following is NOT a programming language?

A. Java
B. Python
C. C++
D. Photoshop

103. What is the purpose of the operating system?

A. To edit documents
B. To create presentations
C. To manage hardware and software resources
D. To browse the internet

104. What is a shortcut key to close an open document in MS Word?

A. Ctrl + W
B. Ctrl + N
C. Ctrl + P
D. Ctrl + F

105. What is the main function of the CPU in a computer?

A. To display images
B. To store data
C. To process and execute instructions
D. To manage internet connections

106. In MS Excel, what does a 'cell' refer to?

A. A document
B. A formula
C. The intersection of a row and a column
D. A chart

107. What is the use of antivirus software?

A. To create documents
B. To browse the internet
C. To protect the computer from malicious programs
D. To increase internet speed

108. What does 'RAM' stand for?

A. Ready Access Memory
B. Random Access Memory
C. Run Access Memory
D. Real Access Memory

109. What is the primary function of a web browser?

A. To access and view websites
B. To create documents
C. To edit images
D. To store files

110. In MS PowerPoint, what is the default file extension when saving a presentation?

A. .docx
B. .xlsx
C. .txt
D. .pptx

111. What is the purpose of the Recycle Bin in Windows?

A. To permanently delete files
B. To temporarily store deleted files
C. To store programs
D. To install software

112. What is the full form of WAN?

A. Wide Area Network
B. Web Access Network
C. Wide Area Network
D. Wide Access Node

113. What is the main use of Microsoft Access?

A. To create documents
B. To manage presentations
C. To manage databases
D. To edit images

114. What is the full form of GUI?

A. Graphical User Interface
B. General User Interface
C. Global User Interface
D. General Unit Interface

115. Which of the following is used to take a hard copy of a document?

A. Monitor
C. Printer
D. Scanner

116. What does 'PDF' stand for?

A. Printable Document File
B. Portable Document Format
C. Personal Data File
D. Printable Data Format

117. What is the primary function of a search engine?

A. To find information on the internet
B. To edit text documents
C. To play media files
D. To manage emails

118. What is malware?

A. A type of software that helps increase productivity
B. Malicious software designed to harm or exploit a computer system
C. Software used for browsing the web
D. Hardware used for connecting networks

119. In computing, what does the term 'boot' refer to?

A. The process of starting up a computer
B. Installing software
C. Shutting down the computer
D. Browsing the web

120. What is the purpose of a firewall in a computer network?

A. To increase internet speed
B. To prevent unauthorized access to and from a private network
C. To install new software
D. To manage files

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