750+ RSCIT Exam Important Questions – MCQ – Part 8


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750+ RSCIT Exam Important Questions – MCQ – Part 8

351. What does 'Cloud Storage' refer to?

A. Storing data on a local hard drive
B. Storing data on a CD
C. Storing data on a USB drive
D. Storing data on remote servers accessible via the internet

352. In MS Excel, which function is used to count the number of blank cells in a range?


353. Which type of software is used to detect and remove viruses?

A. Word Processor
B. Spreadsheet
C. Database
D. Antivirus Software

354. What is the purpose of the 'Find and Replace' feature in MS Word?

A. To insert tables
B. To check grammar
C. To find specific text and replace it with new text
D. To create charts

355. What does the shortcut 'Ctrl + C' do in most programs?

A. Cuts the selected text
B. Copies the selected text
C. Pastes the copied text
D. Closes the document

356. In computer networking, what does 'Wi-Fi' stand for?

A. Wide Fidelity
B. Wireless Finance
C. Wired Fidelity
D. Wireless Fidelity

357. Which of the following is an example of an input device?

A. Monitor
B. Mouse
C. Printer
D. Speaker

358. In MS Excel, which function is used to find the smallest value in a range?


359. What is the full form of 'PDF'?

A. Portable Disk Format
B. Portable Data Format
C. Portable Document Format
D. Personal Document Format

360. What is the use of the 'Header' in MS Word?

A. To insert a table
B. To add an image
C. To insert text at the top of each page
D. To format text

361. Which of the following is a web browser?

A. MS Word
B. MS Excel
C. Google Chrome
D. Adobe Reader

362. In MS PowerPoint, which view is used for delivering presentations?

A. Normal View
B. Slide Show View
C. Notes Page View
D. Outline View

363. What is the primary function of an Operating System?

A. To manage computer hardware and software resources
B. To create documents
C. To browse the internet
D. To design graphics

364. In MS Excel, what does the 'COUNT' function do?

A. Counts blank cells
B. Counts cells with text
C. Counts cells with numbers
D. Counts cells with errors

365. What is the purpose of a 'Router'?

A. To direct data packets between networks
B. To connect printers
C. To store data
D. To create spreadsheets

366. What does 'URL' stand for in web addresses?

A. Uniform Resource Link
B. Universal Resource Locator
C. Unique Resource Locator
D. Uniform Resource Locator

367. In MS Word, which option is used to add a new page?

A. Insert Page Break
B. Insert Table
C. Insert Footer
D. Insert Image

368. What does the 'Ctrl + Z' shortcut do in most programs?

A. Saves the document
B. Undoes the last action
C. Redoes the last action
D. Closes the document

369. Which of the following is a type of malware?

A. Firewall
B. Trojan Horse
C. Network Cable
D. Printer

370. In MS Excel, which feature is used to create a series of numbers?

A. Function
B. AutoFill
C. Formula
D. Chart

371. What is the purpose of a 'Backup'?

A. To delete unnecessary files
B. To increase storage space
C. To create a copy of data for recovery
D. To improve computer speed

372. In MS PowerPoint, what is a 'Slide Master'?

A. A type of animation
B. A type of slide layout
C. A template for controlling the layout of slides
D. A view for editing notes

373. What is the function of a 'Printer'?

A. To input data
B. To store data
C. To display data
D. To produce hard copies of documents

374. In MS Excel, which of the following is not a function?


375. What does the term 'Byte' refer to?

A. A software program
B. A unit of digital information
C. A type of network
D. A type of printer

376. Which of the following is a type of computer network?

A. Keyboard
C. Monitor
D. Hard Drive

377. In MS Word, which tab is used to insert page numbers?

A. Home
B. Insert
C. Review
D. Layout

378. What is the purpose of 'Anti-virus software'?

A. To protect the computer from viruses
B. To create documents
C. To design websites
D. To enhance graphics

379. Which of the following is a function of an 'Operating System'?

A. Creating documents
B. Managing hardware and software resources
C. Sending emails
D. Browsing the internet

380. In MS Excel, what does 'VLOOKUP' function do?

A. Finds the largest value
B. Looks up a value in a table and returns a related value
C. Calculates the average
D. Counts the number of cells

381. What does the 'Home' tab in MS Word contain?

A. Page Layout options
B. Basic text formatting tools
C. Review tools
D. Insert options

382. In MS Excel, what does 'Sorting' data mean?

A. Removing duplicates
B. Arranging data in a specific order
C. Formatting cells
D. Adding comments

383. What is the full form of 'ISP'?

A. Internet Service Provider
B. Internet Security Protocol
C. International Service Provider
D. Information Service Provider

384. In MS Word, what is the purpose of the 'Format Painter'?

A. To insert images
B. To copy formatting from one part of the text to another
C. To change the font size
D. To spell check the document

385. What is 'Malware'?

A. Hardware that protects the computer
B. A software for creating documents
C. Malicious software designed to harm or exploit systems
D. A type of computer memory

386. Which of the following is a type of cloud storage service?

A. USB Drive
B. Google Drive
C. External Hard Disk

387. What does 'HDD' stand for?

A. High Definition Display
B. High Data Drive
C. Hard Disk Drive
D. High Density Drive

388. What is a 'Spreadsheet'?

A. A type of document for writing text
B. A type of software for organizing and analyzing data
C. A hardware device
D. A type of email

389. In MS Excel, which feature allows you to quickly create a chart?

A. Quick Analysis
B. Insert Picture
C. Pivot Table
D. AutoFill

390. What is the purpose of a 'Database'?

A. To write documents
B. To create presentations
C. To store and manage large amounts of data
D. To design graphics

391. In MS PowerPoint, what is the purpose of 'Transitions'?

A. To add animations to objects
B. To format text
C. To create visual effects between slides
D. To change the background

392. What is a 'Webpage'?

A. A document displayed on the World Wide Web
B. A computer file
C. A software application
D. A type of hardware

393. Which of the following is an example of a search engine?

A. Facebook
B. YouTube
C. Google
D. Twitter

394. What is 'Encryption'?

A. A process of deleting files
B. A method of formatting disks
C. A technique to secure data by converting it into a code
D. A way to backup data

395. In MS Word, which tab is used to create a table?

A. Insert
B. Home
C. Review
D. Layout

396. What does the acronym 'PDF' stand for?

A. Portable Document Format
B. Personal Document Format
C. Portable Data Format
D. Print Document Format

397. Which of the following is a programming language?

C. Python

398. In MS Excel, what does 'SUM' function do?

A. Counts the number of cells
B. Adds a range of cells
C. Finds the average
D. Looks up a value

399. What is the primary function of a 'Modem'?

A. To connect to the internet
B. To store data
C. To create documents
D. To manage networks

400. In MS PowerPoint, how can you add a new slide?

A. Right-click on the current slide
B. Use the Home tab
C. Click on New Slide in the toolbar
D. Double-click on the slide

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